Garbage Pail Politician

Jersey City, New Jersey, June 22, 2009: A New Jersey politician who was found asleep headfirst in a neighbor's trash can after a night of drinking has apologized and says he's embarrassed. No charges have been filed against Ron, who is the upstart Ronatarian Party's founder and leader. Ron said he had dinner and drinks with friends in nearby Newark on Saturday night. He said he was driven home in roommate Brad's Dodge Neon, but remembers little that happened after that. A neighbor found Ron in the trash can early Sunday and called police, who helped Ron home. Jersey...
Posted by Bittle at June 22, 2009


Murray, Utah, May 8, 2009: The mayor of the Salt Lake City suburb of Murray says he has little choice but to shave his nearly foot-long handlebar mustache for charity. Dan Snarr is putting the decision to a vote of residents and says his fashion statement is "getting creamed." "People are voting 'shave.' It's a way to get back at an elected official," said Snarr, who has sported the waxed mustache for three years but now is resigned to shaving. Besides, his wife hates it. She's sick of puckering up for a kiss and getting poked in the eye....
Posted by Bittle at May 8, 2009

Sing It Loud

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 23, 2009: A man was acquitted Wednesday after being arrested for refusing to heed a police officer's command he stop singing in a public park. A judge found Ron not guilty of disorderly conduct, saying "This is America, not Afghanistan." Ron, an aspiring politician from New Jersey, had faced a three month sentence after loudly singing "A Change is Gonna Come" in Rittenhouse Square in downtown Philadelphia in October (2008). Greg Wilkinson, the arresting officer, testified Ron was singing so loud his voice drowned out his police radio. "All he had to do was lower his...
Posted by Bittle at April 23, 2009

Crime of the Century Club

Jersey City, New Jersey, April 14, 2009: Ron was supposed to report for jury duty in a drunk driving case. Instead, according to authorities, the New Jersey man skipped the jury duty so he could drink himself. Ron received a summons to appear as a prospective juror in the case. When he didn't show up on Monday, a bailiff called his house. Ron told the bailiff he was too busy to come to court. Associate Circuit Judge Samuel Thompson instructed officers to bring Ron to the courthouse. Deputies say they detected a strong odor of alcohol on him. Ron...
Posted by Bittle at April 14, 2009