Ron on Fair Trade

Japanese satan"Fair trade" is a misnomer to Ron. He thinks that the current monopoly patents are just trying to convert all sorts of natural knowledge into intellectual property. Ron is not an intellectual, so he is confused by this. All of the rest he considers corporate-managed trade. "It's a bulls--t mentality!" Ron lectured to unemployed rodeo clowns in Wyoming. "We have loggers cut down the forests to make toothpicks and bowling pins and let the future generations worry about the repercussions." Multi-national corporations are depleting our renewable resources with no plans for replenishing them. And we simply let them. The World Trade Organization (WTO) seems to say that trade is supreme over environmental, labor, consumer, and topless dancing considerations. The WTO undermines our legitimate national sovereignty which enables the U.S. to lead the way in worker, consumer, and environmental standards. Ron would push to create new labor and trade treaties that have some real cajones to them. For example, if Ron had an overhauled air-intake valve for a 1974 Camaro, he feels he should be able to easily trade the item for a rare Tracy Lords video without having to cut through red tape or pay excessive tariffs. Ron thinks that there should be free trade all over the world. As an American, Ron firmly believes that we must allow U.S. companies to go to dictatorships and depressed nations and use the reduced labor costs there to add to the profit-margins. Foreign labor abuses could be a major asset for these U.S. companies in building products that they then can send back to this country at reduced rates. To Ron, GATT and NAFTA are just typos.

Posted by Webmaster at September 25, 2000 05:21 PM

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