Ron on Labor

The draconian labor laws in this supposed great land of ours make it extremely difficult for U.S. workers to engage in trade union organization and collective bargaining. "[They] are even more obstructive than the labor laws in friggin' Canada!" Ron told a group of retired nurses in Florida last Spring. "North of the border, those goddamn Canucks are forming unions like they're going out of style." Ron remarked that in western Europe, workers don't have to collectively bargain for a lot of worker benefits. For example, whether you are unionized or not, you get a month's paid vacation in Europe. You get long maternity leaves. You get much longer sick leaves. You can even apply for a mustache-trimming leave without reprimand. This system is what the French call "le Castor de Or" (literally the "Golden Beaver") or what we in America would call the social wage. "There is nothing f---ing close to that here in America!" Ron was overheard saying at a urinal in Little Rock, Arkansas. Statistics show that the percentage of union members in the private sector has just dropped below 10 percent, the lowest percentage in the western world. Green Party candidate Ralph Nader said, "This indicator of people's plight explains much more about why many workers do not earn enough to support their families, why they have to bear more of the health insurance premiums, if they receive any from their employer, and why they go without or endure shrinking retirement benefits." Ron plagiarized this statement and is using it in his campaign.

Posted by Webmaster at September 20, 2000 05:31 AM

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