Ron on Racism

Ron was born and raised in New Jersey. He grew up observing New Jersey's police force using a technique called "racial profiling" to single out citizens on the basis of race and ethnicity. He was raised to think nothing of police officers making special traffic stops on grounds that certain citizens fit a special "profile" of the population, which in the eyes of the police is "more likely to commit certain crimes." He is battling himself for the answer. On one hand, he has always seen it that way, but on the other hand, he realizes it could be wrong. In education, many standardized tests tend to discriminate against low income and minority students. Although he grew up a Caucasian aristocrat, Ron felt that these tests hurt him in his youth, as well. He will champion the cause that will make all multiple choice "bubble" test answers "B". In that way, everybody wins. Lastly, many sports teams have names which are offensive to many citizens, particularly Native Americans and loudmouth immigrants. These names should be altered and the offensive symbols removed. For example, the "Fighting Irish" of Notre Dame should be amended to the "Soused Leprechauns".

Posted by Webmaster at September 19, 2000 04:34 AM

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