Doh! A Deer!

Doh!  A Deer!

Jersey City, New Jersey, December 21, 2007:

A man subdued a deer that ran through the front picture window of his house. Ronatarian Party leader Ron wrestled the beast to the floor in the living room, and carried it out through the garage door, when Hudson County Animal Control officers took over.

"My couch is ruined," said Ron's room- and running-mate Brad. He had to clean blood off his computer, coffee table, and ornamental tea set after the ordeal.

Ron was in the garage working on his famed Camaro when the deer entered the house though a hole no bigger than a large steering wheel on Thursday morning.

The deer ran to the back of the house, Ron said, and it tried to escape through sliding glass doors.

The deer tore the curtains down, then jumped into a second picture window, but fell backward on the couch.

"That's when I went on her," Ron said. "I jumped on that mother-f*cking deer. I showed her who's boss."

Posted by Bittle at December 21, 2007 01:10 AM