

Jersey City, New Jersey, December 11, 2006:

A New Jersey man had to be rescued after becoming wedged in a washing machine while playing with his "nephews" on Tuesday.

Ronatarian Party co-founder Brad had to be pulled from the 18-pound capacity machine by a local fire fighter after he became trapped while playing hide-and-seek.

"I just hopped in there and couldn't even get the lid down and the kids came in and said, 'Ha, ha! We found you,'" Brad told the newspaper.

The New Jersey Spew reported that Brad was playing the children's game with three boys "unrelated to him." Brad claims the youths are his nephews; although records show that Brad has no brothers, sisters, or even first cousins.

"Something doesn't add up," said a local Child Welfare Services worker who chose to remain anonymous.

Brad waited for an hour with his knees pressed to his chest before being rescued by local fireman Dave Dillon, the newspaper said.

Rather than dismantling the washer, Dillon reached into the machine and pulled out Brad's wedged foot. To Dillon's surprise, Brad was not wearing any clothes when rescued.

Brad explained that his nudity was part of a "new variant" of hide-and-seek. An informal investigation is under way.

Posted by Bittle at January 11, 2006 08:06 AM