
Calgary, Alberta, Canada: February 13, 2003

An American man who climbed naked over the glass at a Calgary Flames hockey game, then tumbled onto the ice and knocked himself out pleaded guilty Wednesday to public drunkenness.

Judge Cheryl Daniels ordered Rontarian vice presidential candidate Brad to donate $1,650 to charity and perform 35 hours of community service.
He also must undergo alcohol counseling.

The judge criticized Brad for what she called a "pathetic spectacle of yourself splayed naked on the ice for six minutes until you were covered."

Brad climbed over the glass wearing only red socks during the Flames' game against the Chicago Blackhawks on February 6, then slipped and was knocked out when he hit the ice. He was carried off on a stretcher.

Brad originally was charged with interfering with public property, but that charge was withdrawn Wednesday.

What exactly he was doing in Canada remains a mystery. Speculation surrounding the incident includes a search for a mysterious Banff woman somehow romantically connected to Ronatarian presidential candidate Ron.

Ronatarian officials refused to comment on the matter.

Posted by Webmaster at February 13, 2003 11:20 PM

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