Mustaches for Kids

Mustaches for Kids

Washington, D.C., September 21, 2008:

Mustaches for Kids, everybody's favorite mustache-related charity, is making it's triumphant return to the nation's capital for its second growing season. "Mustaches for Kids," you ask? Yes. Well, technically money for kids. Sick kids. Money that comes from you growing a mustache. This year, M4K DC will grow mustaches to raise money for the city's Children’s National Medical Center. The D.C. branch joins other M4K outfits across the country, which have raised over $130,000 for children with terminal illnesses since 1999. Last year, thanks to 15 brave mustacheod men and their friends' wallets, M4K DC raised $7,000 for CNMC's Kids Care Fund. This year, they're hoping to double that amount!

After 11 months of conventional shaving habits, M4K DC is hoping to rally upper lips for the District's spirited holiday season of mustache growing and fundraising. The premise is simple: M4K DC realizes that braving the streets with a fledgling mustache can be every bit as physically and emotionally taxing as training for a marathon or any other pledge-sponsored fundraiser. And so M4K DC ask you to do two things: Let your upper-lip hairs grow free for one month; and seek donations from friends, family, and hecklers for doing so. All proceeds will go to the Children's National Medical Center.

While Ron typically does not endorse charities, he is in full support of the Mustaches for Kids program. "If I had only had a mentor in my early days of growing my mustache, I may have aspired to greater things," he released in a statment. Ron feels that positive role models sporting hair on their upper lips can only help children. Plus, someone is actually paying you to grow a mustache. What's better than that??!?

Mustaches for Kids has more information. Please stop shaving your upper lip and promote Ron and the Mustaches for Kids program. You can double your mustache use for Ronstache Day 2008 (October 30).

- Bittle

Posted by Bittle at September 21, 2008 03:50 PM