During the June 9 episode of The Colbert Report (Comedy Central), host Stephen Colbert listed t-shirts as being the #3 threat during his "Threat Down" segment. In particular, Colbert showed the above graphic of detained alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed saying: "Novelty t-shirts are in league with terrorists."
We here at Ron4President.com do not feel that a t-shirt endorsing, selling, or promoting mustache rides can and should be linked with terrorism. Mustache rides are Ron's God-given right. He loves to donate them to unwed mothers, troubled girls, college co-eds, starlets, and domesticated pets. Colbert's accusation is an affront to all that a mustache ride is and can be: a symbol of American freedom.
While the Ronatarian Party does not support terrorism by any means, we believe in the sanctity of an old-fashioned mustache ride given by anyone who believes in the power of free will. Ron urges all of his supporters who enjoy a good mustache ride -- or novelty t-shirt -- to continue that indulgence. Ron's will be done!
Posted by Bittle at June 9, 2008 11:52 PM