Tread Head

Tread Head

Jersey City, New Jersey, January 13, 2006:

An aspiring politician had a lingering headache three days after a pickup truck ran over his head. "All I remember about it was that when the truck ran over my head, I could hear my bones crack," Ron said Thursday.

Ron, the founder and leader of the radical Ronatarian Party, and his second-in-command Brad were helping their friend "Evil" Steve Bonadio chop and load wood on Sunday. The two men were sitting on the tailgate of Bonadio's truck when he began backing down his gravel driveway and Ron either fell or jumped off.

Bonadio said he at first thought he ran over a piece of wood until he got out of the truck and saw Ron lying face down in the gravel. Then he stood up and ran into the house, Bonadio said.

"He didn't look too worse for wear," Bonadio said. "He was just saying he had a headache."

After spotting blood running out of the politico's ear, Bonadio drove him to the hospital. Ron was then transferred to another hospital, where tests revealed he had a slight hairline skull fracture. He also had roadrash on his neck and face, a black eye and a laceration on his ear canal. His trademark mustache remained unscathed.

Ron was released from the hospital Wednesday, suffering a stiff neck and a headache.

Safety advocates said the accident showed the dangers of letting people ride on tailgates. One said it was a "miracle" that Ron had not been injured worse.

"Maybe he has an exceptionally hard head," Bonadio said.

Posted by Bittle at January 13, 2006 08:37 AM