Wood - Tony Shea Exposed!


"I recently reviewed the "Caged N8" article, posted 8/26/02. 1) Is that Dr. Shea in the background, pouring a cocktail? 2) Why is he sporting a cocktail and standing behind Nate?

I have attached a document pointing out the offending member." -M.Tracey

You are indeed correct. If you zoom in close you will see this man in the background:

The disturbing part about all of this is that this man considers himself a professional upstanding member of society. He was known to copy Ron's thermodynamics homework and once was caught humping the professor's leg.

{Editor's note - the victim of this story (our own Tony Shea) apparently claims that he is not the guilty man shown in the scandalous Nate photograph above. It has been put to vote! Click here to proceed to the Voting section}

Posted by Webmaster at September 9, 2002 12:13 AM

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